Books and Thoughts

A Prayer For Owen Meany by John Irving, #28 on the Reader’s Choice List

I belong to a book club through the local library. This is the only book that everyone enjoyed reading and we actually discussed the novel during the meeting. I was so excited that one of the books on my list was chosen for that month’s selection! My daughter and I loved this book, it is a very touching story about two friends growing up together from the perspective of an adult looking back. This cover makes me think of old houses with big attics.

A Prayer for Owen Meany was published in 1989. It took place in New Hampshire. Owen Meany seemed like a really cool kid. Some of his thoughts were above what normal children think like. The book is truly amazing! I do not want to spoil anything at all, but it should be read and read again.

I do love the different book covers! If you think about it, 1989 was not that long ago and there have many printings of this novel. This is an indication of how popular a book is by the covers.

Question: Is there an old childhood friend that has stayed in your thoughts over the years?

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