Learning to cook

Stew Night

I made another stew, with stew meat this time. I did not have beef broth so I used beef bullion cubes instead. The result was fantastic. I keep these recipes in my head. My daughter thinks I should write them down. I always use different ingredients and have never measured a thing. I will do my best to put it into writing.

Homemade Stew:

-beef tips for stew (I use around two pounds)

-carrots (for as many people being served)

-one half of red onion (or any onion preferred)

-potatoes (any kind the family prefers and as many people being served)

-use any desired seasoning

Bown the beef. While cooking, add any seasoning; the flavors stick to the meat better. Cook until pink, then transfer to a stock pot. Add water or beef broth to fill the pot. The liquid will reduce as it cooks. Add the vegetables and allow one hour to cook.

If using canned vegetables, add thirty minutes of cooking. I did not list what I used, anything can be used and the list would be too long. The aroma will fill the house letting you know it is finished cooking.

Enjoy! It is not complicated at all.

Learning to cook

Leftover Soup

My family thought I should write down this recipe! It is not really a recipe. It is just something I do with the food left over in the fridge. I hate to throw food away! Over the years I have been making this soup on cold days. I am sure there are many names for this soup, but here is mine.

Leftover Soup

1 can or carton of chicken broth or beef broth

2 pounds of ground chicken or beef

1 32oz green beans

1 12oz black-eyed peas

3-4 carrots (optional)

1/2 red onion

4 potatoes (optional)

1 bag of baby spinach (mine was about to expire)

*Note: you can throw in anything that is about to expire

Cook the meat fully. Add the onion while cooking the meat. (I forgot to add it to the list, but use whatever seasonings you have or like.) Add seasonings while the meat cooks, it adds to the flavor of the soup.

Put the cooked meat into a stock pot. Pour the broth in, adding water if the broth does not cover the meat. Add the vegetables. Cover and cook on medium heat for about two hours.

*Note: when carrots and potatoes are close to going bad, they cook much faster than when fresh

My family likes crackers, croutons, or Doritos added to their soup! Sour cream can be added. Cheese is always an excellent addition. Create anything the family loves!

Learning to cook

Cooking Again

I made a Fusion dish! Japanese steaks, which are like Salisbury steaks. I made the grave with soy sauce and teriyaki sauce. I made rice to go with it. It is rather difficult cooking in the kitchen at this moment, but I am dealing with it.

Fusion Cooking

There is no recipe for this. I kinda made it up from several recipes. It is simple, take parts from recipes that look interesting and make the dish like you would normally cook something similar. Check Pinterest for more ideas,

Learning to cook

Name Change

I am currently thinking about changing the name of my blog. I have not been traveling nor do I plan on doing any camping in the near future. I still have hopes to continue, but it will not be with the One-Eyed Wanderer. As much as it pains me, I have to make a decision to move on and stop hoping that things will change.

I am not bitter or angry, I need to move on is all. I need to find out who I am now. Make my own friends. Explore new things and discover the person I want to be. As much as I miss him, I realize that he does not feel the same way anymore.

Of course, I do not know what to change the name right now. I have been thinking of many names, but nothing has that special meaning right now. I have purchased a home, began some improvements when I have the money and have been learning how to really cook.

I plan on getting all of my cookbooks out of storage. Whatever I make from these cookbooks, I will find a link to the cookbooks. I have inherited many cookbooks and bought many myself. I have a few ebooks but hardly use them.

Currently, I am looking into making items that will make some money. Soaps, shampoo and conditioner bars, and candles seem like they can be made at home. Also, I am planning on adding a garage to the house. This will be used for storage. I plan on going through all of the stuff I own and selling everything that is not used or will never be used. It is said that possessions own you, not the other way around.

Any advice about a new name email me @travelingtrailertrash@gmail.com.

Learning to cook

Pizza Friday

Boredom is the new thing everyone faces. The Pandemic of 2020 has caused so many problems, except for the Introverts. Not being around tons of people is not a problem for me at all! I love being at home alone with my kitty.

There’s the usual Taco Tuesday, Throw Back Thursday, Stew or Soup Saturday and Sunday, Meatball or Meatless Monday, Wacky or Worldly Wednesday, or whatever you want to experiment around with to make the days less boring.

There are many recipes on Pinterest for French Bread pizzas. I simply halved a loaf of french bread, spread pizza sauce all over, added mozzarella cheese, and then topped it with my favorite toppings. Bake for about twelve minutes or so, cheese will be melted. This is very easy to make and the family will absolutely love it. I never have leftovers.

A question: is it ethical to promote sites or people who are millionaires who do not acknowledge your site or your efforts? I think I am going to stop doing that, they have enough money without my help. I could use lots of help! The photos of the food on my blogs are what I made myself. I add the links to the recipes or sites I get them from. Email me at TravelingTrailerTrash@gmail.com.

Learning to cook

Television Cooking Shows

Molly Yeh’s Hot Dog Flowers

I saw the episode where Molly Yeh was making this! I thought it would be awesome to make! I cheated and used canned biscuits because I’m lazy about making dough. Also, I lack the space for a stand mixer. I need Chip and Joanna to come redo my house!

This did not come from a show, but I did get the idea from watching Molly Yeh. I rolled out some canned biscuits, sprinkled rosemary and thyme, and rolled them into a flower like roll. Brush with butter or egg wash to have a nice golden brown color.

Tapenade! The easiest recipe to make ever! One can of olives, any kind you like (I used black olives) a bit of olive oil, and (I used a blender) blend it together to make a paste. That’s it, nothing to it. You could look up recipes online for more ideas. This was on Beat Bobby Flay. I’ve been making other things, but not taking photos! Very slacker of me!

Some recipes come from online. My daughter, Stars Books & Tea finds the best recipes. I have been making many, but need to make photos. There will never be a point where anyone says, “I wish my cooking looked like hers!” It is how everything tastes, not how it looks really.

That is all I have for now. I am trying to take more food photos! How to be a Foodie! I will leave with out new addition to the family along with the not-so-fat cat, he’s really part Maine Coon. He’s on the smaller side weighing in at seventeen pounds.

Learning to cook

My March Madness

I use turkey sausage, I have allergies to certain sausages and have found that turkey sausage not only does not bother me, but tastes really good. Turkey sausage can be used in many dishes. I love dishes where all the ingredients are thrown into one dish and put into the oven. I take care of a hemiplegic, so I’m all over the place. I am happy to do this and it makes me vary happy.

Of course we make Irish dishes all month long! There are too many dishes to make for one day only, of course we could try to eat them all! We like getting fat!

Potato Nachos

I added ground beef with taco seasoning to mine. I thought it would work like regular nachos. It really did! The potatoes could have been sliced slightly thicker, but it would make a great. There’s no recipe for this one, because I took ideas from a few recipes and created a mash up of them. Tomatoes, avocados, jalapenos, or anything put on tacos or nachos could be added to this. If you have a mandolin, slice the potatoes of your choice and bake or air fry. Add the toppings. Delicious! It is mouth porn!

Cabbage and Sausage

I love this dish! I have made it many times. I use turkey sausage of course. This is regular boxed macaroni and cheese, but I added some shredded Irish cheddar cheese. It comes out with a more creamy cheesy flavor. There is no recipe for this one either. I like to play around in the kitchen. I used bacon grease to cook up the cabbage. I was using minced garlic, but I don’t like how it turns brown while the cabbage cooks. I cook the cabbage in a frying pan until it’s almost tender, then I add the turkey sausage that has been cut into little wheels. I continue cooking this until the sausage is browned and the cabbage is tender, like the photo.

My kitty reads while sleeping!

I hope you have enjoyed sharing our March with us! This is my virtual tour of Ireland. Since I cannot travel right now, does not mean I cannot still go places in my dreams through wonderful food. I have not taken photos of everything that I have made, but promise to make better habits of doing so. My kitty had his first taste of corned beef and really loved it. (If you look away from your plate for one second, he steals a bite!)

The reading group has been reading fairy tale retellings. January was Snow White, February was Beauty and the Beast, and March was Mulan. I thought it would be really fun to make some Chinese foods in tribute to Mulan. I took no photos of anything I made! I feel horrible. I can tell you that if you really want some good recipes, check out Pinterest. I live on that site!

Learning to cook

Our St. Paddy’s Day

My kitty hugging a fidget wheel

I want to make every holiday fun and special. I have been compiling recipes and photos of what I made. I did not do much as far as décor goes because I do not have anything. I did print out some coloring pages, which i did not photo. Everyone should do what they feel is right for them. I do not have the space to store decorations for every holiday.

This is my idea of a genuine Irish breakfast! The peppers make the perfect “clover” with eggs. Bacon goes well with everything! I could eat bacon all day long. If you are interested in any of the recipes, click on the links below the photos. Potatoes are an Irish classic of course. This makes a great breakfast for anytime of the year.

Corned beef and cabbage has been something that I make every other year. I love it but I was not sure that everyone else would love it too. Also for years I worked on most holidays, so it was difficult to make holiday related meals. I inherited my crockpot from my mother and use it much more than she did! I actually enjoy doing other things while dinner is cooking. I even bought myself a crockpot cookbook.

Since I am or was camping often, crockpots are a great way to cook while camping or on vacation if you have a kitchen. Explore or hike all day long to return to a finished dinner, when the last thing you want to do is think about making something for dinner. I keep a smaller crockpot in Harvey for convenience.

My family likes to have a bread or cracker with dinner, so I made these for a touch of whimsy. They are really easy to make. I did not have spinach wraps available. I also have an oil brush that I use often filled with olive oil. I used sea salt as well. I baked mine for ten minutes. I thought about adding some oregano for color.

This recipe came from Pinterest! I thought this was amazing! Absolutely great. I used Smores marshmallows, which do not melt the right way. I love sprinkles, so I added them to the top, rainbow colors! I did use the brand name cereal. This cereal has less sugar than you would think.

Everyone loved this treat! I used a small shredder for the cheese because I could not get the grater to work for me. I love Kerrigold Irish Cheddar. It is the perfect savory snack everyone loves, plus there’s bacon!

I hope everyone enjoyed their St. Patrick’s Day this year. It is difficult to garner enthusiasm with all the troubles going on around the world. Our hopes and prayers are with the battle torn county right now.

Learning to cook

Go Dawgs!

Although nobody else was here other than my bother and I, we had a good time watching the game together. It was fun and exciting. Normally I am not a big football fan and know nothing that is going on, but I like watching my brother watch football. Of course we are Bulldog fans! We live in Georgia!

I made some things I had picked up from Pinterest. BBQ smokies, peanut butter Ritz crackers dipped in chocolate and saltine crackers dipped in the Bulldog color! Also bacon-wrapped pineapples were really good! I would like to make something special for this year’s Superbowl. (My finished products look nothing like the photos! Don’t judge, I make treats for our family not Gordon Ramsey!) Feel free to click on the links and give everything a try too!

Rice Crispy Football Field

I made this last year. The sprinkles are people! Use your imagination! I don’t have that much talent with designing these kind of things. I also lack the proper equipment for the job! That will surely change over time. I don’t think I’ll make this again this year because I am getting fat! I end up eating most of the sweet stuff I make!

I had fun making this one! I have to admit that it also tasted really good! My brother says it is something that only women really like! I also am not planning on making it again this year! It is best to have new things every year. My brother forgets what I make anyway, but I have always tried to make Superbowl special for him.

Devilled Eggs

My mother’s fancy Tiara amber dishes have been put into good use. I love they way they look and the fancy feeling of everything that is served on them. I have gotten some great ideas from Facebook about what to make this year, so I will be trying that out too!

Learning to cook

Covid on the Bright Side

There are some people who have not been coping with the pandemic. For almost two years we have lived with wearing face masks and excercising social distancing. There have been no parties or large get togethers with the family. Being an introvert has a big advantage, I do not miss any of that.

My time has been put to rather good use. At least I think so! I have been going through cookbooks and searching online for new cool things to cook for the family.

Learning to make breakfast has been really fun! Usually breakfast is a bowl of cereal. Being retired has one advantage, no more having to get up to rush to work before having a good breakfast. That is not a problem anymore.

Homemade croutons with garlic and Italian seasoning from stale bread has become a family favorite. It is good with salads or homemade soups. Changing the flavors has been really fun as well.

Cinnamon rolls cooked in a waffle maker was a real big hit too. Making other things in the waffle maker was really fun. Tater tots with cheddar cheese are awesome! Add chives and sour cream to make it really special.

Using my mother’s crock pot for delicious homemade soups had made my family very fat and happy. I make my own chicken stock as well. We bought purple, yellow and orange carrots from an apple orchard north of where we live.

There is nothing better than breakfast! I bought these iron skillets and my daughter figured out how to use them. They have finally been put to good us after being purchased over a year before. Bell peppers create the perfect ring for frying up some eggs. Cheese and bacon are excellent additions to this recipe.

Funfetti pancakes! They were really good with a yogurt topping. Everyone loved these pancakes I made for Valentine’s Day. I love to play around with pancakes. Adding peanut butter and chocolate makes them really special. My mother used to add bananas to her pancakes.

I saw these on Pinterest, theirs looked better! Add these to hot chocolate and enjoy! I have learned over this time to add some vegetable oil to candy melts to get a thinner consistency. I crushed peppermint candies in a food processor to make peppermint sprinkles.

I have been rather negligent on taking photos of the food I have been making. There will be more experiments throughout the pandemic. There are more holidays to come. I do not know if the Superbowl falls under holidays, but some people think it is one.