Flea Market and Store · Life

New Location at Treasure Hunt

A slightly bigger space is what we needed. I have been working so I have not spent much time working on the booth as I should have been. Every day is getting better. I have been very busy with work and book conventions.

I have moved things around since this photo was taken. I am planning on adding more items to the booth soon, after returning from a book convention in Tennessee. The booth I shared with my friend has been closed due to a lack of interest or sales.

I am still at a loss as to what people really want. The Facebook posts proved to be futile. All the comments were silly and meant to be funny to a serious post. I will no longer seek advice from anyone on Facebook again, or any other social media.

Flea Market and Store

Dallas Markets

I have found a new great place! It is filled with amazing antiques! It has other things too! They are on Facebook. Their video explains it all. I wanted to check this place out. I know I need to up my game with my booth! My booth is so boring in comparison! Dallas Markets is a great place and they are planning on more!

There are shelves available, just not right now. It is an amazing display. I am loving this place. I might not be good enough for a booth here, but it is still amazing! The store is not close to my house, but not too far away from DLB Thrift.

In case you are wondering, I got permission to take photos! I also got permission to post the photos! Nothing in writing, but any free publicity for them should always be good! I would really like to get a booth here! I will do everything required and hope for the best!

Flea Market and Store

Another Monday and Another Round of the Stores

I got to go Treasure Hunt today! I fixed the issues I was having from looking at the photos. I am making plans for a better-looking booth. I hope they turn out well. I have acquired some empty frames. I will move that bookcase off my table and hang the frames over the table. I think it will be really cool.

I have learned something today. I have said it before, but I will repeat it. Not everyone is an expert on what will and will not sell! I will be adding video games. They did not sell at Bill’s Flea Market. Killer Finds did not buy them but explained why. I’m good with that. I will no longer bid on video games thinking they will really sell anywhere! I have learned my lesson. I am not familiar enough with video games to know what is good and what is not!

This will be our home at Bill’s Flea Market. I am trying something new. I am hoping that a new location will improve sales. That is my goal. There will be new and hopefully exciting things coming! I need to go digging deep into my storage unit to find something special, that will catch the shopper’s eye.

Wish me luck on my future projects. I am not done yet! I plan on making my endeavors a complete success! Something has to change and the only thing I can do is myself and my attitude. Spring is near and the pollen has already arrived! I have wisteria blooming in my yard. I am feeling hopeful that things will get better.

Flea Market and Store

Wednesday Update

I sold two items at DLB Thrift Store this week! of course, I would love to sell more! That is the point of renting space in a store like this. I have recently added items to the store. I went into the storage unit looking for things that I have not used for six years, I do not see myself using them at all. I would rather sell them. I could donate everything. Yet, I donate my stuff to a store and someone buys from that store? There’s nothing wrong with trying to make a little money.

To all of my Facebook friends who live in Paulding County, I am sure you know where the store is. You don’t have to buy everything, but you could tell your friends about it? Tell them my booth is on the right before you get to the bathrooms! You can’t see it in the photo, but there is a playpen that’s fabulous! It’s big and roomy and only a fraction of retail goes. Also, it has not been used.

This is my booth at the antique mall. Nothing has sold! I have added more anyway! Those things will not sell sitting in storage! I am paying rent for this booth regardless of anything selling. I’m a little more than upset that nothing has sold at all. I know it’s a business. I understand that. When they feature other booths, it kinda hurts my feelings that mine has not been featured. I’ll just give it more time. There’s nothing else I can do.

Another shout out to my Facebook friends who live near the Austell/Mableton area, come check out my booth. Just look at the photo to know which one is mine! When you enter the store, go left. My booth is the second one on the right. I have lots of great things for sale. Dishes, dolls, and many other things are available. It looks like it is up to me to promote myself!

On the bright side, I sold all of these rings. Twenty-three rings for twenty dollars. Yes, I practically gave them away. They are gone. I have no more rings. That was it. I was selling them for five dollars. I don’t know how much the lady who bought them is selling them for, but I’d bet that they are selling for more than five dollars! Knock yourself out.

The soccer ball backpacks are also gone. I was told they would not sell! His tennis ball backpacks are still around! I’m hoping that they will sell soon. Not that many people around here are into tennis. Soccer is popular around here.

Also, all of the large D20s have sold. I have many of the smaller D20s and the Pig Dice. There are others as well. I am just happy those things are finally selling. They go from storage to the flea market and then back to storage. I almost forgot! There are still Polyhedral dice for sale. They are really cool in many colors! I’m at the point of begging here. Where are all of my Facebook friends who live in the area?

I will keep trying! Warmer weather is around the corner. My hopes are more people will come out to the flea market. Tax refunds should be coming in for people too. Maybe the warmer weather will get people out shopping more? I can only keep going.

Come check out what I have this coming weekend. I’m trying to not get my feelings hurt when none of my Facebook friends come to see me. It has been many years anyway. All I can say is the haters from high school can see how fat I’ve gotten! My friends that have simply grown apart due to being an adult, come on by and say hello!

Flea Market and Store

Early For Baseball

I decided to dedicate an entire shelf to baseball today. There are two New York Mets towels from Avon 1990s. I have special plates of baseball players. There is Phillie’s mug! If I had more baseball things, they would be here too! If I find more, I will add them!

There are some things I took off the shelves! They have sitting on the shelves way too long. They need to go. Make room for new items! I have added many more things to take their place. I even rearranged everything so that they were in like groups.

I have been told that nobody has parties anymore. All I can say is that I have not had any parties. I no longer have friends. My house is rather small. Right now is not the right time for a good party. That will change, even with the small house. We all need to shake off the past pandemic times.

Flea Market and Store · Life · Uncategorized

New Additions to Booth #DDB at Treasure Hunt

This is where I began. The table takes up a lot of space in my booth. I seriously doubt it will sell, but it does a great job displaying my china. There is some water damage to the table. The leafs are gone. The rest of the set is also gone. I reupholstered the chairs in 1999. Not perfect, but I am leaving them for the buyer to change into something they like.

One of the dolls I added. She is very lovely. Had I bigger house, I might consider keeping all the dolls my mother collected over the years in her travels. My house is really too small for any collections. I am slowly getting some space iun the house. I need to find new homes for many things.

The booth now. I have not sold anything yet. Hopefully soon that will change. I have uploaded photos on Facebook and Instagram. I really do not know what else to do. I feel like my booth is visually pleasant. I have great items. My prices are lower than suggested. The items are in decent condition.

I actually have more than one person really needs. There has to be a point where five or six sets of china must go! I have at least five sets of fine china. I have four sets of regular dishes. My children are not really interested in inheriting a mountain of china.

While I love this pattern, I did not feel the need to buy the entire set online. There is another pattern by the same company that I would like more. Then again, if these do not sell I will just get the entire set of china! I will still have to find homes for the ones I currently have!

I have been told that the young do collect anything. That nobody does dinner parties. Nobody has cocktail parties. I miss those days. Had I any friends, there would be parties! Parties for Valentines and Superbowl. I would have parties just because. I hope this news is wrong. I hope peoplke are still social. Otherwise, I might as well just throw everything away because nobody wants them.

Flea Market and Store

February 2023 at Bill’s Flea Market

The first week of February is really cold! I was really happy that it was not raining! These are rings I got from Fragrant Jewels candles. I was hoping I would get a really nice ring eventually. The more I bought, the more 19.99 candles I got. I even bought some Diamond Candles. They were all really pretty. I am selling them for five dollars. They are made with Rhodium metal. Do people really expect gold or silver for only five dollars?

I am giving up on the Clever Crackers. At least for now. I have sold two. There’s that. I should be really happy about that. I will be even happier when I sell them all. I started them at five dollars and went down to one dollar. Nobody wanted them. I will just put them in storage.

My house is still a mess and I cannot make more candles right now. I have been taking the candles I have made. I have sold two. I will keep bringing them. I am still on the fence about making more to sell. I might just make up the rest of the candles up and keep them.

I had these keyboards laying around. I got a new one that types like an old-fashioned typewrtiter. It even clicks! I thought I would bring them to the flea market and see what happens. I have been carrying other things from the storage unit to the flea market for weeks and sold nothing. I sold both of them!

The greaatest thing happened this weekend! Almost all of the swords have sold! We even sold one of the monitor stands. We have had many people look at them and tell us how they will be back. After the hunfreth person, we’re like whatever. This one young man came along and said the same thing. Fifteen minutes later, he came back for the sword!

I have been bring these four children’s backpacks. Two soccer balls and two pink tennis balls. They are so cute! I’m thinking about just keeping these. Two for me and two for my daughter. I’ll give them a few more weeks first.

I still have the dice! I feel like I am repeating myself. I have sold two dice! A silver one and a bronze one has been sold. I am hoping the Pig dice will catch on too. It is a fun game really. Dustyn and I played a game and I lost of course. We used five dice and I rolled four pigs! What luck. It was fun!

Flea Market and Store

The End of January 2023 at the Flea Market

I am going to blame the weather on this dismal weekend. It was cold but it did not rain all day long. I keep trying and trying. I post on Facebook. I try to keep things interesting. I make the booth look fresh and inviting. I play music, the records that I am trying to sell. I have sold some records.

The friend I mentioned before told me that Clever Crackers would really sell. I should get them. I have sold a total of two. I do not know what to do with the ones I have left. I will have to think about it. I have tried one out and really like it. Of course. the mixer part has been disappointing for me. I have wanted to make yellow-boiled eggs. The mixer does not quite mix the egg up in the shell.

We have dice! There are so many dice games! The dice are used as a learning tool for mathematics. They have pigs, unicorns, crabs, lobsters, and elephants. D&D dice too. There is one giant D20 left. Several small D20 dice in many colors too. I have some Xbox games as well.

Cube Timers are so amazing. They are loud. They are cute too. This is one that my friend did not insist that I buy. This was my own idea, It was a very bad idea. I am stuck with too many timers that nobody wants. I suppose I am the only person left who uses timers.

I have come to the realization that I do not know what people want. I have no clue what people will buy. I do not know what anyone wants. I am at a total loss. I wish there was a way to find out these things. I have Googled what people want to buy from the flea market. I have read so many articles about what to sell. My friend has been watching YouTube videos.

Unfortunately, I have not been able to make new candles. When my kitchen is finished, I will be back to making candles. I have sole a few of the candles. Nobody seems to want candles. I am trying to decide if I want to continue making candles. I might just make up candles to use up the wax. It is not decided yet.

Flea Market and Store

Daisy Dishes from the 70s

I thought these dishes were so adorable! I personally love daisies. I thought my daughter would love them too. There are 35 pieces in this set. One of the bread plates is missing. When I looked them up, they are very rare. I am sure that not many dishes survived the 1970s. Yet, other dishes have survived much longer. I really don’t know why they are so rare.

There are six plates, six salad plates, six bowls, six saucers, five bread plates, and six small bowls. I hope they find a home where they will be loved and enjoyed daily. The platter is separate. There are no teacups or coffee cups with this set. I have been rather unfortunate to possess cupless dishes. I have lowered the suggested price due to the lack of cups.

The Portugal dishes have been added. They look so pretty on the table. There are no teacups. One of the saucers was broken. I bought these from a friend who needed help. I thought they would coordinate with the red dishes I currently have. They did not. While I find them lovely and charming, my daughter did not like these either.

The Guest List was mentioned in another post. It is a really good book. I have some other really good books for sale. There are a few signed copies. I plan on adding more as soon as I figure out what to let go of.

Notice the platters? There are matching dishes. Again there are no cups. These dishes are really pretty. While I love them, I also have no room for them. My house is too small for all of the dishes I have collected over the years.

If any of these dishes catch your eye, they are located at Treasure Hunt Antique Mall, booth DDB. Feel free to browse through the store. There are many excellent booths located there.

Flea Market and Store

2023 at DLB Discount Retail Store

Since I sold most of my Christmas stuff at the flea market, I had lots of empty space at the store. I had to dig through the storage unit to find anything worth selling. I found a few things to add to the store. I hung up some banners we got from Owl Crate. I think it says I love Travel.

The Clever Crackers and cube timers are also in the store! I have only sold two Clever Crackers. I would like to sell them all. They actually work well. It is a very cool gadget. I have been using one, and I thought it would be very cool to try it out myself. My booth is located at DLB Discount Resale Store.

My hopes are the new additions will draw attention to my booth. I also discovered the booth is close to the restrooms. I think that could be a good thing. At least that’s what I am hoping for. I am not planning on becoming a millionaire with this booth. I only want it to pay for itself, with a little extra in my pocket.

All I really want is a great year. I want to make more money than I am spending. I have big plans for next weekend at the flea market. Sunday is Chinese New Year! The year of the Rabbit. I have so many bunnies and dolls for the flea market. There will be photos on Facebook and Instagram following Monday.

The ceramic fruit bowl was a White Elephant gift. I have had it for over fifteen years now. It is time to part ways so it can find a better home. There is also a soup taurine and a large punch bowl. There are three cake plates. I do not have friends, or family that come down for holidays. I do not need entertainment dishes that I have no place to keep them.

I have downgraded. My house is too small to keep everything that went into a five-bedroom house. As much as I hate to part with my mother’s things, I like how much room I have gained in the storage unit. I will be adding more to the antique store.