Flea Market and Store · Life

New Location at Treasure Hunt

A slightly bigger space is what we needed. I have been working so I have not spent much time working on the booth as I should have been. Every day is getting better. I have been very busy with work and book conventions.

I have moved things around since this photo was taken. I am planning on adding more items to the booth soon, after returning from a book convention in Tennessee. The booth I shared with my friend has been closed due to a lack of interest or sales.

I am still at a loss as to what people really want. The Facebook posts proved to be futile. All the comments were silly and meant to be funny to a serious post. I will no longer seek advice from anyone on Facebook again, or any other social media.


The Finished Kitchen

Months of waiting for insurance approval have brought us to the final repairs. The upper need painting now. That’s not a big deal really. I absolutely love how the kitchen turned out. Z Innovatons did an excellent job. I will use them again in the future. They are professional, timely, and really know what they are doing.

This is what it looked like after the ruined cabinets were removed. I was shocked to see the condition of the floors. The people who sold us the house and the home inspector did not tell us that flooring had been put over the rotting subfloor. It was very upsetting.

From that disaster to the completed project made me really happy. Granite might seem high-end, but it is better in the long run. If I decide to sell down the road, it’ll make a big difference. I just love everything Z Innovations has done. I even got a dishwasher! What could be better?

I am happy to conclude the Small Leak. There will be more projects in the future. The bathroom needs to be redone. I want new floors all through the house. I need bookshelves added. Too many things to mention!

Learning to cook

Stew Night

I made another stew, with stew meat this time. I did not have beef broth so I used beef bullion cubes instead. The result was fantastic. I keep these recipes in my head. My daughter thinks I should write them down. I always use different ingredients and have never measured a thing. I will do my best to put it into writing.

Homemade Stew:

-beef tips for stew (I use around two pounds)

-carrots (for as many people being served)

-one half of red onion (or any onion preferred)

-potatoes (any kind the family prefers and as many people being served)

-use any desired seasoning

Bown the beef. While cooking, add any seasoning; the flavors stick to the meat better. Cook until pink, then transfer to a stock pot. Add water or beef broth to fill the pot. The liquid will reduce as it cooks. Add the vegetables and allow one hour to cook.

If using canned vegetables, add thirty minutes of cooking. I did not list what I used, anything can be used and the list would be too long. The aroma will fill the house letting you know it is finished cooking.

Enjoy! It is not complicated at all.


Being Sick

I have been suffering from non-Covid seasonal allergies. I am beginning to feel better. Of which I am grateful. Everything gets neglected when I’m sick. I cannot function without meds and cannot function with meds either. It’s either feeling dopey or coughing my lungs out.

It’s really bad when furry friends will not go near you!

I am feeling better now. I will return to life as we know it soon. I have stayed away from the flea market because I did not want to get worse than I am now. Every day is better. Tomorrow will be better still.

I shall continue what I was doing before.


Garbage: No Gods No Masters

Garbage has spoken to my soul. I have loved them since the first song I ever heard. Stupid Girl was that song. The words rang true for me. At the time, I felt rather stupid for being in my situation. I got out really fast.

I think the best song ever is “Happy When It Rains”. It is totally awesome. Garbage has the best singer, Shirley Manson. She is beautiful and talented. Her voice brings every song close to the heart. I am not going to list all my favorite songs. Actually, I love them all.

I had to get the new record! I also want to see the concert and hope I get to go.

I bought Garbage 1.0 immediately. I listened to the CD in the car and at home. Whenever I was at home I was jamming out as loudly as possible. My daughter is also a big fan.

I came across Garbage 2.0 when I was in the Army. I had two roommates that got really tired of listening to my music choices. We did not talk or hang out outside of training. I had nothing else. It was an absolute comfort.

Around ten years ago, someone broke into my house. This mysterious person told my next-door neighbor since the power was out, they could enter my house. All of my CDs, DVDs, and other electronics were stolen! I was livid!

I have replaced most of my CDs with vinyl. Nobody is just going to walk out the door with my music collection ever again! I would like to see them try, the police would get here before they got a quarter of the way through!

Learning to cook

Leftover Soup

My family thought I should write down this recipe! It is not really a recipe. It is just something I do with the food left over in the fridge. I hate to throw food away! Over the years I have been making this soup on cold days. I am sure there are many names for this soup, but here is mine.

Leftover Soup

1 can or carton of chicken broth or beef broth

2 pounds of ground chicken or beef

1 32oz green beans

1 12oz black-eyed peas

3-4 carrots (optional)

1/2 red onion

4 potatoes (optional)

1 bag of baby spinach (mine was about to expire)

*Note: you can throw in anything that is about to expire

Cook the meat fully. Add the onion while cooking the meat. (I forgot to add it to the list, but use whatever seasonings you have or like.) Add seasonings while the meat cooks, it adds to the flavor of the soup.

Put the cooked meat into a stock pot. Pour the broth in, adding water if the broth does not cover the meat. Add the vegetables. Cover and cook on medium heat for about two hours.

*Note: when carrots and potatoes are close to going bad, they cook much faster than when fresh

My family likes crackers, croutons, or Doritos added to their soup! Sour cream can be added. Cheese is always an excellent addition. Create anything the family loves!


Wednesday Thoughts

Wisteria is growing behind my house. It is so pretty. The train track is also behind my house. There are days when there is always a train stopped here. We have grown used to this after three years of living here.

Monday was a very busy day for us. It was a very disappointing day for me too. I have decided not to bid on any electronics or games anymore. The Playstation I won in the auction does not work. The typewriter I won does not work. I am stuck with two things that do not work.

I am hopeful for this weekend. I was hopeful last weekend too, but this is different. There are things that I just have to do myself. I’ll have to really dig through the storage unit to find anything. My goal is to get rid of the storage unit.

I have not been feeling well and have let the kids do that for me. There has been notihing brought to the flea market. I do have a set of merchandise I bring weekly. I like to add to that every week. I’m not sure if it’s lack of imagination or I was not clear enough in my instructions. I just know that I need to go myself.

I am still tryong to figure out what people want. I will figure it out. I will do more research. I do have lots of things in my storage. I need more help! That’s what I need.I have lots of ideas. I just do not have the support that I need to get things done.

Flea Market and Store

Dallas Markets

I have found a new great place! It is filled with amazing antiques! It has other things too! They are on Facebook. Their video explains it all. I wanted to check this place out. I know I need to up my game with my booth! My booth is so boring in comparison! Dallas Markets is a great place and they are planning on more!

There are shelves available, just not right now. It is an amazing display. I am loving this place. I might not be good enough for a booth here, but it is still amazing! The store is not close to my house, but not too far away from DLB Thrift.

In case you are wondering, I got permission to take photos! I also got permission to post the photos! Nothing in writing, but any free publicity for them should always be good! I would really like to get a booth here! I will do everything required and hope for the best!

Flea Market and Store

Another Monday and Another Round of the Stores

I got to go Treasure Hunt today! I fixed the issues I was having from looking at the photos. I am making plans for a better-looking booth. I hope they turn out well. I have acquired some empty frames. I will move that bookcase off my table and hang the frames over the table. I think it will be really cool.

I have learned something today. I have said it before, but I will repeat it. Not everyone is an expert on what will and will not sell! I will be adding video games. They did not sell at Bill’s Flea Market. Killer Finds did not buy them but explained why. I’m good with that. I will no longer bid on video games thinking they will really sell anywhere! I have learned my lesson. I am not familiar enough with video games to know what is good and what is not!

This will be our home at Bill’s Flea Market. I am trying something new. I am hoping that a new location will improve sales. That is my goal. There will be new and hopefully exciting things coming! I need to go digging deep into my storage unit to find something special, that will catch the shopper’s eye.

Wish me luck on my future projects. I am not done yet! I plan on making my endeavors a complete success! Something has to change and the only thing I can do is myself and my attitude. Spring is near and the pollen has already arrived! I have wisteria blooming in my yard. I am feeling hopeful that things will get better.

Flea Market and Store

Wednesday Update

I sold two items at DLB Thrift Store this week! of course, I would love to sell more! That is the point of renting space in a store like this. I have recently added items to the store. I went into the storage unit looking for things that I have not used for six years, I do not see myself using them at all. I would rather sell them. I could donate everything. Yet, I donate my stuff to a store and someone buys from that store? There’s nothing wrong with trying to make a little money.

To all of my Facebook friends who live in Paulding County, I am sure you know where the store is. You don’t have to buy everything, but you could tell your friends about it? Tell them my booth is on the right before you get to the bathrooms! You can’t see it in the photo, but there is a playpen that’s fabulous! It’s big and roomy and only a fraction of retail goes. Also, it has not been used.

This is my booth at the antique mall. Nothing has sold! I have added more anyway! Those things will not sell sitting in storage! I am paying rent for this booth regardless of anything selling. I’m a little more than upset that nothing has sold at all. I know it’s a business. I understand that. When they feature other booths, it kinda hurts my feelings that mine has not been featured. I’ll just give it more time. There’s nothing else I can do.

Another shout out to my Facebook friends who live near the Austell/Mableton area, come check out my booth. Just look at the photo to know which one is mine! When you enter the store, go left. My booth is the second one on the right. I have lots of great things for sale. Dishes, dolls, and many other things are available. It looks like it is up to me to promote myself!

On the bright side, I sold all of these rings. Twenty-three rings for twenty dollars. Yes, I practically gave them away. They are gone. I have no more rings. That was it. I was selling them for five dollars. I don’t know how much the lady who bought them is selling them for, but I’d bet that they are selling for more than five dollars! Knock yourself out.

The soccer ball backpacks are also gone. I was told they would not sell! His tennis ball backpacks are still around! I’m hoping that they will sell soon. Not that many people around here are into tennis. Soccer is popular around here.

Also, all of the large D20s have sold. I have many of the smaller D20s and the Pig Dice. There are others as well. I am just happy those things are finally selling. They go from storage to the flea market and then back to storage. I almost forgot! There are still Polyhedral dice for sale. They are really cool in many colors! I’m at the point of begging here. Where are all of my Facebook friends who live in the area?

I will keep trying! Warmer weather is around the corner. My hopes are more people will come out to the flea market. Tax refunds should be coming in for people too. Maybe the warmer weather will get people out shopping more? I can only keep going.

Come check out what I have this coming weekend. I’m trying to not get my feelings hurt when none of my Facebook friends come to see me. It has been many years anyway. All I can say is the haters from high school can see how fat I’ve gotten! My friends that have simply grown apart due to being an adult, come on by and say hello!